Southside bowling alley charges $3 for the first game and 50 cents for each additional game Eastside bowling alley charges a dollar per game how many games would you have to bowl to make South Side less expensive choice

Let's say you want to compare the cost of bowling at Southside bowling alley and Eastside bowling alley.

At Southside bowling alley, the first game costs $3, and each additional game costs $0.50.

At Eastside bowling alley, each game costs $1.

To determine how many games you would have to bowl to make Southside the less expensive choice, let's set up an equation:

3 + 0.50(n-1) < n

where n is the number of games.

Simplifying the equation:
3 + 0.50n - 0.50 < n
2.50n < 3

Dividing both sides by 2.50:
n < 1.2

Since you cannot play a fraction of a game, you would have to bowl more than 1 game to make Southside the less expensive choice.

Therefore, you would have to bowl at least 2 games at Southside for it to be a less expensive choice compared to Eastside.