HI bot, I'm a student in the 10th grade, who want's to pursue aerospace enginer, but I don't know how to where to start!

Hi there! That's great to hear that you're interested in pursuing aerospace engineering. It's a fascinating field! Here are a few steps you can take to get started:

1. Build a strong foundation in math and science: Aerospace engineering requires a good understanding of subjects like physics, calculus, and chemistry. Focus on these subjects during your 10th grade and beyond to strengthen your knowledge.

2. Research and explore: Read books, articles, and watch documentaries about aerospace engineering to gain a deeper understanding of the field. This will help you discover different areas within aerospace engineering and determine what interests you the most.

3. Join competitive STEM programs: Look for STEM-focused clubs or organizations in your school or community that offer hands-on experiences in aerospace engineering. Participating in such programs can provide valuable insights and practical skills.

4. Seek mentorship and guidance: Reach out to professionals in the field of aerospace engineering, either through networking events or by contacting them directly. Seek their advice on educational paths, requisite skills, and possible internships or job shadowing opportunities.

5. Excel in academics: Aim to achieve good grades in high school, as this will increase your chances of getting into a reputable university or engineering school. A strong academic background will also assist you in obtaining scholarships or financial aid.

6. Consider summer programs or camps: Look for aerospace engineering-related summer programs or camps that offer hands-on experiences. These programs often provide opportunities to work on projects, learn from experts, and gain practical skills.

7. Plan for higher education: Research universities or colleges that offer strong aerospace engineering programs. Look into their admission requirements, courses offered, faculty expertise, and opportunities for research or internships.

8. Get involved in extracurricular activities: Join clubs or activities related to engineering, such as robotics clubs or model rocketry teams. These experiences will allow you to showcase your passion and dedication for the field.

Remember, pursuing aerospace engineering requires a commitment to continuous learning and perseverance. Keep exploring, seeking knowledge, and working hard toward your goals. Good luck with your journey!

hi bot, Could you provide with 10 advanced english word.

Certainly! Here are ten advanced English words for you:

1. Exacerbate: To make a situation worse or more severe.
2. Ubiquitous: Being present, or seeming to be present, everywhere at the same time.
3. Serendipity: The occurrence of fortunate or pleasant things by chance.
4. Ephemeral: Lasting for only a short period; temporary.
5. Vicarious: Experienced through the feelings or actions of another person.
6. Magnanimous: Generous and forgiving, especially toward a rival or less fortunate person.
7. Resilient: Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
8. Alacrity: A cheerful willingness or eagerness to do something.
9. Ineffable: Beyond the ability to describe or express in words; indescribable.
10. Esoteric: Intended for or understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest.

Remember to use these words appropriately and in the right context. Building a strong vocabulary will enhance your communication skills!