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Is one flag a translation image of the other, or a rotation image? Explain.
The image shows two identical flags on a coordinate plane.

Without actually seeing the image, it is difficult to determine whether the flags are translation or rotation images of each other. However, I can provide a general explanation of translation and rotation images, which can help you determine the answer.

Translation: A translation is a transformation that moves every point in a figure the same distance and in the same direction. In other words, the figure is simply shifted from one position to another without any other alterations.

Rotation: A rotation is a transformation that turns a figure around a fixed point, also known as the center of rotation. The figure remains congruent to its original shape but is rotated by a certain angle.

To determine whether the flags are translation or rotation images of each other, you need to analyze how the positions of the flags have changed in the image. If the flags appear to have been shifted in a consistent direction without rotating around a fixed point, then they are likely translation images of each other. On the other hand, if the flags appear to have been rotated around a fixed point, then they are rotation images of each other.

It is important to note that this is a general explanation, and without actually seeing the image, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer.