Use the paragraph to answer the question. The mimic octopus not only changes its color, but also its shape and behavior. It is able to imitate 15 different species. By changing the way it swims, it can look and act like a sea snake, stingray, jellyfish, and even a seashell. Changing its movement confuses predators, helping it flee to safety. It also helps it confuse prey and catch its next meal.The mimic octopus truly is a great example of how animals adapt to survive. In one to two sentences, describe the text structure of this paragraph. (2 points) but make it sound like a 12 year old wrote it and have three sentences

The paragraph is mainly a description of the mimic octopus and its abilities to change color, shape, and behavior. It also explains how these adaptations help the octopus escape from predators and catch its prey. The paragraph has a descriptive text structure, where the writer provides information about the topic in a sequential and organized manner. Overall, the paragraph shows how the mimic octopus is a fascinating example of animal adaptation.

In one to two sentences, explain why a presenter would want to use audio as a media form. (2 points)

A presenter may choose to use audio as a media form because it can engage the audience's sense of hearing, allowing for a dynamic and immersive experience that complements the content being presented. Additionally, audio can be convenient as it allows for multitasking, enabling the audience to listen to the presentation while performing other tasks.

but make it sound like a 12 year old wrote it

Using audio as a media form is cool for presenters because it makes the audience hear and enjoy the stuff, making it more awesome. Plus, you can do other things while listening, so it's super convenient!

In four sentences, explain how different authors might interpret facts in multiple ways. make it sound like 12 year old wrote it (4 points)

Different authors might interpret facts in multiple ways because everyone has their own opinions and perspectives, kinda like when you and your friend have different interpretations of a movie. Some authors might focus on certain details that stand out to them, while others might emphasize different aspects. It's like looking at the same picture but seeing different things. So, authors can put their own spin on facts based on how they see the world, which makes reading different perspectives so interesting!