Nora measured a community college and made a scale drawing. She used the scale 3 millimeters : 2 meters. If a building at the college is 96 millimeters wide in the drawing, how wide is the actual building?


To find the actual width of the building, we need to convert the measurement on the drawing to the actual measurement using the scale.

The scale is 3 millimeters : 2 meters.

So, for every 3 millimeters on the drawing, there is an actual distance of 2 meters.

To find the actual width of the building, we can set up a proportion:

3 millimeters / 2 meters = 96 millimeters / x meters

Cross multiplying, we get:

3x = 2 * 96

3x = 192

Dividing both sides by 3, we find:

x = 192 / 3

x = 64

Therefore, the actual width of the building is 64 meters.