The number of gallons g in a swimming pool being filled with water is g=50x+1,000, where x is the number of hours since sunrise. It has been 10 hours since sunrise. What is the initial value?(1 point)


Apologies for the error in my previous response. To find the initial value, we need to determine the number of gallons in the swimming pool at the start, which is when x = 0.

Given the equation g = 50x + 1000, we substitute x = 0:

g = 50(0) + 1000
g = 0 + 1000
g = 1000

Therefore, the initial value of the number of gallons in the swimming pool is 1000.

To find the initial value of the number of gallons in the swimming pool, we need to substitute the number of hours (x) into the equation and solve for g.

Given that it has been 10 hours since sunrise, we substitute x = 10 into the equation:

g = 50x + 1000
g = 50(10) + 1000
g = 500 + 1000
g = 1500

Therefore, the initial value of the number of gallons in the swimming pool is 1500.

are you sure