Eric and Mark were at a ball game and visited the concession stand. They each get a hamburger and a Mark got lemonade and some cotton candy. Eric had a coupon for $2.00 off the cost Mark paid the rest, which came to 14.50 Cotton candy costs 5.00 and a hamburger costs 4.00. How much was the lemonade? Show your work

Let's start by finding the total cost of Eric's order. He bought a hamburger, which costs 4.00, and Mark bought a hamburger and lemonade, which has a total cost of 14.50. So, the total cost of Eric's order is 14.50 - 4.00 = 10.50.

Eric had a $2.00 coupon, so he paid 10.50 - 2.00 = 8.50 for his order.

We know that Mark bought cotton candy for 5.00, so the cost of the lemonade is 8.50 - 5.00 = 3.50. Therefore, the lemonade cost 3.50.