An online book club offers two options for membership. Option 1: Get 8 books for $12 per month and pay $2 per additional book. Option 2: Get unlimited books for $17.50 per month. Kalen plans to read 13 books every month.

How much money will Kalen save in 1 1/2 years by choosing the cheaper membership option? Enter the answer in the box.

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First, let's calculate how much Kalen would spend on Option 1.

The monthly cost of 8 books is $12.

Kalen plans to read 13 books every month, so she would have to pay for 5 additional books. Each additional book costs $2.

Therefore, the total cost for Option 1 would be $12 + (5 * $2) = $12 + $10 = $22 per month.

Now, let's calculate how much Kalen would spend on Option 2.

The monthly cost for unlimited books is $17.50.

Kalen plans to read 13 books every month, so she would be able to read unlimited books within this amount.

Therefore, the total cost for Option 2 would be $17.50 per month.

Now, let's calculate how much money Kalen would save in 1 1/2 years (18 months).

The total cost for Option 1 in 18 months would be $22 * 18 = $396.

The total cost for Option 2 in 18 months would be $17.50 * 18 = $315.

Therefore, Kalen would save $396 - $315 = $81 in 1 1/2 years by choosing the cheaper membership option.

So the answer is $81.