Cab companies often charge a flat fee for picking someone up and then charg an additional fee per mile driven.

The city of Raleigh, NC charges $1.95 fee and $2.70 per mile for each cab ride

the number miles provided for miles 10and List the cost the cab ride for miles

To calculate the cost of the cab ride for 10 miles in Raleigh, we need to add the flat fee ($1.95) to the product of the additional fee per mile ($2.70) multiplied by the number of miles (10).

Cost = Flat Fee + (Additional Fee per Mile * Number of Miles)
Cost = $1.95 + ($2.70 * 10)

Calculating the above expression:
Cost = $1.95 + $27

Therefore, the cost of the cab ride for 10 miles in Raleigh would be $28.95.