Gary is 8 3/4 years old. His brother is 3 7/12 years younger than he is. How many years old is Gary’s brother?

A : 4 5/6
B : 12 1/3
C : 5 1/6
D : 11 5/8

To find out how old Gary's brother is, we need to subtract the age difference from Gary's age.

First, let's convert Gary's age to an improper fraction:
8 3/4 = (8 * 4 + 3)/4 = 35/4

Next, let's convert Gary's brother's age difference to an improper fraction:
3 7/12 = (3 * 12 + 7)/12 = 43/12

Now, subtract the age difference from Gary's age to find Gary's brother's age:
35/4 - 43/12 = (35*3 - 43)/12 = (105 - 43)/12 = 62/12 = 5 2/12 = 5 1/6

Therefore, Gary's brother is 5 1/6 years old.

The answer is C: 5 1/6.