Which of the following were precedents that George Washington set during his presidency

- Serving only two terms as President, establishing the tradition that would later become the 22nd Amendment

- Establishing the Cabinet system, with the creation of the Departments of State, Treasury, War, and Attorney General
- Establishing the principle of federal supremacy over states by suppressing the Whiskey Rebellion
- Creating a strong executive branch by actively asserting presidential power and authority
- Setting the precedent of delivering an inaugural address and establishing traditions like the President taking the oath of office and delivering an inaugural speech
- Adopting the title of "Mr. President" instead of "His Excellency" to symbolize a civilian-led government
- Establishing a neutral foreign policy stance, especially in regards to foreign conflicts such as the French Revolution and the European wars
- Declining a third term, reinforcing the peaceful transition of power and preventing the emergence of a monarchy-like system