Khadija has $0.90 worth of nickels and dimes. She has a total of 10 nickels and dimes altogether. By following the steps below, determine the number of nickels, x, commax, and the number of dimes, y, commay, that Khadija has.

Determine three ways to have a total of 10 coins = $0.90

Let's assume that x represents the number of nickels and y represents the number of dimes that Khadija has.

1. First possibility: Khadija has 6 nickels and 4 dimes.
- The value of 6 nickels is 6*$0.05 = $0.30.
- The value of 4 dimes is 4*$0.10 = $0.40.
- The total value is $0.30 + $0.40 = $0.70, which is less than $0.90.

2. Second possibility: Khadija has 5 nickels and 5 dimes.
- The value of 5 nickels is 5*$0.05 = $0.25.
- The value of 5 dimes is 5*$0.10 = $0.50.
- The total value is $0.25 + $0.50 = $0.75, which is less than $0.90.

3. Third possibility: Khadija has 7 nickels and 3 dimes.
- The value of 7 nickels is 7*$0.05 = $0.35.
- The value of 3 dimes is 3*$0.10 = $0.30.
- The total value is $0.35 + $0.30 = $0.65, which is less than $0.90.

Hence, there is no combination of nickels and dimes that would give Khadija a total of $0.90 with 10 coins.

Plot a line through these three points.

To plot a line through three points, we need to know the coordinates of the three points. However, the question does not provide any specific coordinates. Please provide the coordinates of the three points, and I will be happy to help you plot the line.

Plot a line through these three points. (6,4), (5,5),and (7,3)

To plot a line through the points (6,4), (5,5), and (7,3), we can follow these steps:

1. Draw a coordinate plane or graph paper.
2. Mark the x-axis and y-axis.
3. Plot each point on the graph using its coordinates:
- Plot the point (6,4) by moving 6 units to the right on the x-axis and 4 units up on the y-axis. Label the point as A.
- Plot the point (5,5) by moving 5 units to the right on the x-axis and 5 units up on the y-axis. Label the point as B.
- Plot the point (7,3) by moving 7 units to the right on the x-axis and 3 units up on the y-axis. Label the point as C.
4. Connect the three points A, B, and C with a straight line.

The resulting line should pass through all three points (6,4), (5,5), and (7,3).