Is 5 2/9 times 7/8 greater than 5 2/9?

To determine if 5 2/9 times 7/8 is greater than 5 2/9, we need to compare the products of these calculations.

First, we convert 5 2/9 to an improper fraction:

5 2/9 = (5 * 9 + 2)/9 = 47/9

Now, we can calculate 5 2/9 times 7/8:

(47/9) * (7/8) = (47 * 7) / (9 * 8) = 329/72

Next, we compare 329/72 with 5 2/9:

5 2/9 = 47/9

To compare two fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 72.

47/9 = (47 * 8) / (9 * 8) = 376/72

Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can compare them:

329/72 > 376/72

As 329/72 is less than 376/72, we can conclude that 5 2/9 times 7/8 is NOT greater than 5 2/9.