Solve for a in the equation

-6.29 (2 + 7.85) = -19.499. (1 point)

To solve for a in the equation -6.29 (2 + 7.85) = -19.499, we first simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

2 + 7.85 = 9.85

Now we can rewrite the equation as:

-6.29 * 9.85 = -19.499

Next, we perform the multiplication:

-61.3365 = -19.499

Finally, we have:

-61.3365 = -19.499

Adding 19.499 to both sides of the equation:

-61.3365 + 19.499 = -19.499 + 19.499

-41.8375 = 0

Therefore, there is no solution for a in the given equation.