What is the difference between a consumer and a producer?

Producers are organisms that eat both plants and animals. Consumers are organisms that eat only plants
Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. Producers are organisms that makes their own food unit the energy from the sun
Consumers are organisms that eat both plants and animals. Producers are organisms that only eat plants
Producers are organisms that eat other organisms. Consumers are organisms that make their own food using the energy from the sun

Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms for their energy and nutrition. They cannot produce their own food and rely on other organisms for sustenance. Consumers can be classified into different categories based on what they eat. For example, herbivores primarily eat plants, carnivores eat other animals, and omnivores eat both plants and animals.

On the other hand, producers are organisms capable of producing their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. They convert sunlight or inorganic compounds into energy-rich organic molecules. Most commonly, producers are plants or algae. They occupy the base of the food chain and provide energy and nutrients to consumers.