What transformation of energy energy energy take place during the greenhouse effect

During the greenhouse effect, several transformations of energy take place:

1. Solar energy absorption: The Earth's atmosphere allows the majority of the sun's visible light and ultraviolet radiation to pass through. This energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface, warming it.

2. Thermal energy conversion: The absorbed solar energy is converted into thermal energy, also known as heat, by the Earth's surface.

3. Infrared radiation emission: The warmed Earth's surface emits infrared radiation, which is a form of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation is in the form of long-wave infrared rays.

4. Greenhouse gas absorption: Some of the emitted infrared radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases present in the Earth's atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and water vapor (H2O). These gases have molecular structures that allow them to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.

5. Re-emission of thermal energy: The absorbed infrared radiation by greenhouse gases is re-emitted in all directions, including back towards the Earth's surface, causing additional warming.

6. Heat trapping: The re-emitted infrared radiation from greenhouse gases traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to an increase in average global temperature. This phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect.

In summary, solar energy is absorbed and converted into thermal energy by the Earth's surface, which is then emitted as infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases absorb some of this outgoing radiation and re-emit it, creating a heat trapping effect that causes the greenhouse effect.