What are indications to give prophylactic antisezuire drugs àfter sur


There are several indications to give prophylactic antiseizure drugs after surgery. These may include:

1. History of epilepsy or previous seizures: Patients with a known history of epilepsy or previous seizures are at a higher risk of experiencing a seizure after surgery. Prophylactic antiseizure drugs may be prescribed to prevent seizure recurrence.

2. High-risk surgical procedures: Certain types of surgery, such as brain surgery or surgeries involving manipulation of the nervous system, carry a higher risk of triggering seizures. Prophylactic antiseizure drugs may be used to reduce this risk.

3. History of abnormal EEG findings: If a patient has a history of abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG) findings indicating abnormal brain activity, prophylactic antiseizure drugs may be prescribed to prevent seizures.

4. Neurological abnormalities: Patients with pre-existing neurological abnormalities, such as brain tumors, strokes, or head injuries, may be at an increased risk of experiencing seizures after surgery. Prophylactic antiseizure drugs may be used to prevent seizure activity.

5. Certain medications: Some medications used during surgery or in the postoperative period can lower the seizure threshold, increasing the risk of seizures. Prophylactic antiseizure drugs may be prescribed to counteract this risk.

6. Patient preference: In some cases, patients may express a preference for being on prophylactic antiseizure drugs after surgery, even if their risk factors are not high. In such cases, the decision may be made to prescribe these medications based on patient preference and shared decision-making between the patient and healthcare provider.

It is important to note that the decision to prescribe prophylactic antiseizure drugs after surgery depends on the individual patient's risk factors and should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider.