Why do we use constant variables? in coding

There are several reasons why we use constant variables in coding:

1) Readability and maintainability: By using constant variables, we can give meaningful names to important values or numbers used throughout the code. This makes the code more readable and easier to understand for other developers who might work on the project in the future.

2) Avoiding magic numbers: Magic numbers are hard-coded values that lack explanation or context. Using constant variables instead of magic numbers improves the code's readability and makes it easier to update or change those values in the future.

3) Preventing accidental modifications: Constants are immutable, meaning their values cannot be changed once they are initialized. This helps prevent accidental modifications by other parts of the code, ensuring that the value remains consistent.

4) Improving code maintainability: If a value is used in multiple places throughout the code and needs to be changed, it is easier to update if it is defined as a constant variable. This way, you only need to update the value in one place, rather than searching for and modifying it in multiple locations.

5) Enforcing constraints: Constants can be used to define certain constraints or limits within the code. For example, you can define a maximum number of allowed characters for a field or a maximum timeout value for a network request using constant variables to ensure that these constraints are consistently enforced throughout the code.

Overall, using constant variables helps to improve code readability, maintainability, and makes it easier to manage and update values used throughout the codebase.