Tickets to the baseball game are on sale for $1.50 off the regular price. Dea buys 6 tickets. If her total cost is $51, what is the regular price of each ticket? Write and solve an equation of the form p (x ‡ q) = r. Then write a sentence to explain your answer. (4 points)


Let's assume the regular price of each ticket is p dollars.

According to the problem, each ticket is on sale for $1.50 off the regular price. So the sale price of each ticket would be p - $1.50.
Dea buys 6 tickets, and her total cost is $51. Therefore, we can write the equation as follows:
6(p - $1.50) = $51
Simplifying the equation, we get:
6p - 9 = 51
Adding 9 to both sides of the equation, we get:
6p = 60
Dividing both sides of the equation by 6, we get:
p = 10
Therefore, the regular price of each ticket is $10.

The equation 6(p - $1.50) = $51 represents the total cost that Dea paid for 6 tickets, considering the discount of $1.50 off the regular price. By solving this equation, we find that the regular price of each ticket is $10, which means that each ticket was originally priced at $10 and was on sale for $1.50 off that price.