Rephrase and summarize the following into 3 sentences:

A model can be regarded as representation of the structure and function of biological molecules or maybe an event. The advantages and disadvantages of these maps in modeling mitosis includes They depicted the Interphase stages comprising of the G1, S and G2 phases. They also listed the phases involved in mitosis which is also good The other image is depicting mitosis too but there is no title and labeling to it which might be confusing. The models should be able to depict the various activities that occurs during mitosis meaning the second model should have contained labeling to indicate the process of mitosis. The first model should have contained pictorial representations to enable better understanding.

A model is used to represent the structure and function of biological molecules or events. In the case of modeling mitosis, the advantages of these maps include depicting the interphase stages and listing the phases involved in mitosis. However, a disadvantage of one of the models is the lack of title and labeling, which can lead to confusion. Both models could be improved by including labeling or pictorial representations to enhance understanding.

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thank you for the help!!!