what attitude and/or beliefs is Jesus encouraging throughout his sermon?

Throughout his sermon, Jesus encourages attitudes and beliefs that center on love, humility, forgiveness, and righteousness. Some of the specific attitudes and beliefs that Jesus encourages are:

1. Love: Jesus calls his followers to love not only their neighbors but also their enemies, treating others with kindness, compassion, and empathy.

2. Humility: Jesus advocates for humility and meekness, teaching that those who are humble will be exalted.

3. Forgiveness: Jesus emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, instructing his followers to forgive others as they seek forgiveness from God.

4. Righteousness: Jesus encourages his listeners to pursue righteousness, to act justly, and to keep God's commandments. He emphasizes the importance of inner righteousness, which goes beyond mere outward acts.

5. Faith: Jesus calls for faith in God, urging his followers to trust in God's providence and to seek His kingdom and righteousness above all else.

6. Generosity: Jesus teaches the virtue of generosity, urging his followers to give to the needy and to be compassionate and selfless in their actions.

7. Integrity: Jesus calls for integrity and honesty, cautioning against hypocrisy and emphasizing the importance of truthful and sincere actions.

8. Non-retaliation: Jesus discourages retaliation and revenge, instead teaching his followers to turn the other cheek and to respond to evil with good.

9. Peace: Jesus encourages a peacemaking spirit, urging his disciples to resolve conflicts peacefully and to seek reconciliation.

Overall, Jesus encourages a transformation of the human heart, emphasizing love, compassion, forgiveness, humility, righteousness, and faith as key attitudes and beliefs for his followers.