Can you find the inverse ratios of -pi

Yes, I can find the inverse ratios of -π.

The inverse ratios of a given angle can be found by taking the reciprocal of the corresponding trigonometric functions of that angle.

Let's find the inverse ratios of -π:

1. Sine: sin(-π) = 0
The reciprocal of sin(0) is csc(0), which is undefined (since sin(0) is 0, and division by 0 is undefined).

2. Cosine: cos(-π) = -1
The reciprocal of cos(-π) is sec(-π), which is -1.

3. Tangent: tan(-π) = 0
The reciprocal of tan(0) is cot(0), which is undefined (since tan(0) is 0, and division by 0 is undefined).

Therefore, the inverse ratios of -π are:
csc(-π) = undefined
sec(-π) = -1
cot(-π) = undefined.