The Bartlett family is taking a road trip to Yellowstone National Park! Yesterday, they drove a total of 550 miles in 11 hours. Today, they will drive another 200 miles and arrive at the park.
If the Bartletts drive at the same average rate, how long will they drive today?

To find out how long the Bartlett family will drive today, we need to find the average rate at which they drove yesterday.

The average rate of driving is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

Yesterday, the Bartletts drove a total of 550 miles in 11 hours. So their average rate of driving was 550/11 = 50 miles per hour.

Today, they will drive another 200 miles. To find out how long they will drive, we can divide the distance by the average rate.

Time = Distance / Rate
Time = 200 miles / 50 miles per hour

Time = 4 hours

Therefore, the Bartlett family will drive for 4 hours today.