Construct ten sentence one your own and underline the subject in each

1. Cats are known for their independence and agility.

2. The sun, a blazing ball of fire, radiates warmth and sustains life on Earth.
3. Emily, my best friend, always knows how to brighten my day.
4. Cars zoomed past on the freeway, creating a symphony of honking horns and squealing tires.
5. The new restaurant in town serves delicious vegetarian dishes.
6. Music, a universal language, has the power to evoke emotions and bring people together.
7. The oak tree in my backyard, with its mighty branches and vibrant leaves, provides shade and shelter for countless birds.
8. Dreams, elusive and mysterious, often hold hidden messages and insights into our subconscious.
9. The children eagerly raced down the hill, their laughter filling the air.
10. The painting, a masterpiece of colors and brushstrokes, mesmerized all who gazed upon it.