Write the following infinite decimal expansion as a fraction. You do not need to simplify.

0.366366366... =___

0.366366366... = 366/999


Write the following number in Scientific Notation 0.00000865 [Click Here for Help Video.]

Be sure to use a multiplicative " × " symbol from the pop-up. As in the times symbol in grey next to the "6" key on the pop-up. (10 points)
The number in scientific notation is: ___

The number in scientific notation is 8.65 × 10^-6.

Write the following number in Scientific Notation 497,000,000 [Click Here for Help Video.]

Be sure to use a multiplicative " ×" symbol from the pop-up. As in the times symbol in grey next to the "6" key on the pop-up.

(10 points)
The number in scientific notation is:

The number in scientific notation is 4.97 × 10^8.

Write the following number in Scientific Notation 0.000023 [Click Here for Help Video.]

Be sure to use a multiplicative "×" symbol from the pop-up. As in the times symbol in grey next to the "6" key on the pop-up.

(10 points)
The number in scientific notation is:

The number in scientific notation is 2.3 × 10^-5.

Write in Scientific Notation 49,700,000 [Click Here for Help Video.]

Be sure to use a multiplicative "×" symbol from the pop-up. As in the times symbol in grey next to the "6" key on the pop-up. ​

(10 points)
The number in scientific notation is:

The number in scientific notation is 4.97 × 10^7.

Find the missing value that makes the equation true: 6^(−5) × 6^? = 6^10

[Click Here for Help Video](10 points)
The "?" symbol in the equation should be:

The "?" symbol in the equation should be 15.