write about my mom being inspiring

The first paragraph will introduce the topic by grabbing the reader’s attention in an interesting way. Remember to explain why the topic is important. In other words, why should readers be interested in people who are inspiring? Remember to emotionally engage your reader with vivid language rather than just dictating to the reader in a mechanical way. Your first paragraph is a tool to open the essay and hook your reader. You will need a thesis/claim statement in your introduction as well. This sentence should clearly indicate the person who inspires you and why.

The two body paragraphs that follow the introduction need to include the two “why” points listed in your thesis/claim statement. Make sure each paragraph convinces the reader that this person is worthy of your admiration. You could focus on the person’s character, accomplishments, personality, etc. You may choose to write about how you relate to the person. Remember to be clear why these attributes bring you inspiration to think or behave in a certain way. Also, remember that graders of your essay come from different backgrounds, so you will need to be careful to explain details that the average person may not be familiar with. Further, think critically about your reader and your points. This means you may need to consider a skeptical reader who could possibly disagree with you in some instances. Don’t forget that each paragraph should have a topic sentence that introduces the main point for that paragraph. Finally, each of your paragraphs should offer a separate point and be independent of each other but work together coherently.

As you wrap up your essay with a concluding paragraph, you should include a sentence at the end of your last paragraph that gives a final, interesting thought on your topic.

My mother is the most inspiring person in my life. From the moment I was born, she has been a constant source of strength and guidance. Her perseverance in the face of adversity, her unwavering support, and her limitless love have shaped me into the person I am today. Through her actions and words, she has taught me valuable life lessons that I will carry with me forever. In a world where inspiration can be hard to find, my mother stands as a beacon of hope and motivation. In this essay, I will explore the reasons why my mom is so inspiring and why readers should pay attention to people who have the power to uplift and inspire others.

First and foremost, my mother's unwavering determination inspires me every day. Throughout her life, she has faced numerous challenges and obstacles, but she has never let them deter her from pursuing her dreams. Whether it was juggling a demanding career while raising three children, or overcoming personal hardships, she has always shown unwavering strength and resilience. Seeing her push through tough times and emerge even stronger has taught me the importance of perseverance and never giving up. Her undying determination serves as a constant reminder that no matter how difficult life may get, I have the power to overcome any obstacle that comes my way.

Secondly, my mother's selflessness and unconditional love for others inspire me to be a better person. She has always put the needs of others before her own, never hesitating to lend a helping hand or offer a listening ear. Whether it is volunteering at local charities or simply being there for her friends and family, her endless acts of kindness demonstrate the importance of compassion and empathy. Her ability to love unconditionally and accept people for who they are has taught me to be more understanding and accepting in my own relationships. Her empathy and selflessness have shown me the power of love and how it has the ability to make a positive impact on the world.

In conclusion, my mom's unwavering determination and selflessness are just a few of the reasons why I find her so inspiring. Her ability to overcome challenges with grace and her unwavering love and support for others serves as a constant reminder of the person I strive to be. In a world that can often feel discouraging and overwhelming, my mom's resilience and kindness give me hope and motivate me to be the best version of myself. She is a true inspiration, and her impact on my life is immeasurable.