As prehistorians we are all virtual time travelers. Virtual not in the joy stick-roller ball-3-D-headset-cyberspace sense, but in the space between our own ears sense... that natural, folded, gray-matter space that helps to define us as a species and wherein resides our own inner net. – Steven Watts, director of the Aboriginal Studies Program at the Schiele Museum.

You are writing an article to encourage students to enroll in anthropology classes at your college. Should this quote be paraphrased or directly quoted, and why?

It should be paraphrased because the author’s job at a small regional museum makes him a weak source.

It should be paraphrased so students don’t think the author is teaching the class.

It should be directly quoted because the language is too complicated to paraphrase accurately.

It should be directly quoted because the author knows more about the subject than you do.

It should be directly quoted because the language is too complicated to paraphrase accurately.