the area of a rectangle is 54x^9y^8 square yards. if the length of the rectangle is 6x^3y^4 yards, which expression represents the width of the rectangle in yards

To find the width of the rectangle, we need to divide the area by the length.

The width = area / length

Given that the area is 54x^9y^8 square yards and the length is 6x^3y^4 yards, the width would be:

(54x^9y^8) / (6x^3y^4)

Simplifying, we divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents of the variables:

54/6 = 9
x^9 / x^3 = x^(9-3) = x^6
y^8 / y^4 = y^(8-4) = y^4

Therefore, the expression that represents the width of the rectangle in yards is: 9x^6y^4.