Determine which three out of the six points shown below are a solution to the equation x, plus, 3, y, equals, 21, .x+3y=21. Plot the three points that are in the solution set, draw a line through the three points and then answer the questions below.

(0,7) (-6,9) (6,5) (-3,6) (-9,8( (3,4)

To determine which three points are a solution to the equation x + 3y = 21, we can substitute the x and y coordinates of each point into the equation and check if both sides are equal.

Let's plug in the coordinates for each point:

1. (0, 7): 0 + 3(7) = 21 (True)
2. (-6, 9): -6 + 3(9) = 21 (True)
3. (6, 5): 6 + 3(5) = 21 (True)
4. (-3, 6): -3 + 3(6) = 21 (True)
5. (-9, 8): -9 + 3(8) = 21 (False)
6. (3, 4): 3 + 3(4) = 21 (False)

The three points that satisfy the equation x + 3y = 21 are: (0, 7), (-6, 9), and (6, 5).

Now, let's plot these three points on a graph and draw a line through them.

[Graph not provided]