As a salesperson at Roaring Waves Beach Supplies, Carissa receives a monthly base pay plus commission on all that she sells.

If she sells $500 worth of merchandise in one month, she is paid $390. If she sells $1,000 of merchandise in one month, she is paid 480 Find Carissa's salary when she sells $2,400 worth of merchandise.

Let's assume the base monthly pay as "B" and the commission rate as "C".

According to the given information, when Carissa sells $500 worth of merchandise, she is paid $390. So we can write the equation:
B + C * $500 = $390 ----(1)

Similarly, when Carissa sells $1000 worth of merchandise, she is paid $480. So we can write the equation:
B + C * $1000 = $480 ----(2)

Let's solve these two equations to find the values of B and C:

Multiplying equation (1) by 2, we get:
2 * (B + C * $500) = 2 * $390
2B + C * $1000 = $780 ----(3)

Subtracting equation (2) from (3), we get:
(2B + C * $1000) - (B + C * $1000) = $780 - $480
B = $300

Substituting the value of B in equation (1), we get:
$300 + C * $500 = $390
C * $500 = $390 - $300
C * $500 = $90
C = $90 / $500
C ≈ 0.18 (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, let's find Carissa's salary when she sells $2,400 worth of merchandise:
B + C * $2400 = ?
$300 + 0.18 * $2400 = ?
$300 + $432 = $732

Therefore, Carissa's salary when she sells $2,400 worth of merchandise is $732.