1) Select the best answer.

What is an energy level?

An energy level is a range of energy that an organism can have.

An energy level is a fixed amount of energy that an atom or molecule can have.

An energy level is a fixed amount of energy that a person can have.

An energy level is a range of energy that an atom or molecule can have.

2) Select True or False. If False, select the statement that makes it True.

Electrons can reside between energy levels.

False; Electrons can change energy levels but cannot reside in between energy levels.


False; Electrons can change energy levels only if part of a metal atom.

False; Electrons can change energy levels only if part of a nonmetal atom.

3) Select True or False. If False, select the statement that makes it True.

Niels Bohr created an atom model where the electrons orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the Sun.

False; Heisenberg created an atom model where the electrons orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the Sun.

False; Thomas Rutherford created an atom model where the electrons orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the Sun.

False; John Dalton created an atom model where the electrons orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the Sun.


4) Select the best answer.

In order for an electron to go up an energy level or further away from the nucleus, it needs to ___ energy.



5) Select the best answer.

In order for an electron to go down an energy level or closer to the nucleus, it needs to ___ energy.



6) Select the best answer.

Bohr’s model works better for ___ atoms.



7) Select the best answer.

The closer the electron is to the nucleus the ___ energy it needs. This means it has a ___ energy level number.

more; high

less; low
