Can you list you 50 professional advanced word. That I word mostly see when reading books!

Certainly! Here is a list of 50 advanced professional words that are commonly found in books:

1. Ambiguous
2. Convoluted
3. Delineate
4. Efficacious
5. Formidable
6. Garner
7. Homogeneous
8. Intricate
9. Lambaste
10. Mitigate
11. Nurture
12. Obfuscate
13. Paramount
14. Quandary
15. Resilient
16. Sagacious
17. Tenacious
18. Ubiquitous
19. Vehement
20. Whimsical
21. Zeal
22. Alleviate
23. Belittle
24. Cogent
25. Disseminate
26. Enigma
27. Fluctuate
28. Grandiose
29. Hierarchy
30. Impeccable
31. Judicious
32. Lucid
33. Malaise
34. Novice
35. Ostracize
36. Peruse
37. Qualm
38. Rationalize
39. Satiate
40. Trepidation
41. Unprecedented
42. Validate
43. Wary
44. Xenophobia
45. Yield
46. Zestful
47. Accentuate
48. Benign
49. Coherent
50. Diligent

Please note that context is crucial when using these words, and their appropriate usage depends on the specific situation.

Oh yeah,.I'll just ask you if perplexed!

Perplexed is another advanced word that describes a state of confusion or uncertainty. It signifies being puzzled or unable to understand something.