What shows an example of how the Aztecs were influenced by Zapotec farming techniques?(1 point) Responses The Aztecs grew crops in floating beds to get the crops above the water line. The Aztecs grew crops in floating beds to get the crops above the water line. The Aztecs planted and harvested their crops at certain times of the year. The Aztecs planted and harvested their crops at certain times of the year. The Aztecs used a system for their crops so their food lasted longer. The Aztecs used a system for their crops so their food lasted longer. The Aztecs carved flat terraces into the sides of hills to grow crops.

The Aztecs carved flat terraces into the sides of hills to grow crops is the response that shows an example of how the Aztecs were influenced by Zapotec farming techniques. This technique of terraced farming was commonly used by the Zapotec civilization, and the Aztecs adopted it to maximize their agricultural productivity.