How does Iran differ from the rest of the region?

It is mostly Christian
It is mostly Jewish
It is mostly Shia Muslim
It is mostly Sunni Muslim

Iran is mostly Shia Muslim, which sets it apart from many other countries in the region that are predominantly Sunni Muslim.

Iran has a unique political system and religious establishment, governed by the Islamic Republic, with a Supreme Leader who holds ultimate authority. This differs from most countries in the region, which typically have different forms of government and may have monarchies or various forms of authoritarian rule.

Iran also has a distinct cultural and historical heritage compared to its neighbors. Persian culture and language have been a significant influence in the region for centuries, and Iran boasts a rich history and ancient civilization that is distinct from other countries.

Iran is also known for its geopolitical ambitions and regional influence. It has involved itself in various conflicts and proxy wars, supporting different groups and militias in different countries, which distinguishes it from many other nations in the region.

Additionally, Iran has faced international isolation and sanctions due to its nuclear program and human rights abuses, which further sets it apart from neighboring countries in terms of its political and economic standing in the international community.