How are the guiñas different from the caro. Ean islands

The guinas and the Ean Islands are two different subjects and not directly comparable.

- Guiñas, also known as Andean mountain cats, are small wildcats found in the high Andes of South America.
- They are one of the smallest wildcat species and are typically around the same size as a domestic cat.
- Guiñas are primarily found in the countries of Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile.
- They have a distinctive appearance with a thick, silvery-gray fur coat and dark spots or stripes.
- Guiñas are classified as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to habitat loss and hunting.

Ean Islands:
- It is unclear what is referred to as the Ean Islands as there is no widely known geographical location or specific islands by this name.