The median of 5 consecutive numbers is 21. The range of the same set of numbers is 20. List out the 5 numbers. Show steps.

Let's call the first number in the set "x". Since the median of the set is 21, the second number in the set would be one more than the first number: x + 1. Similarly, the third number would be one more than the second number: (x + 1) + 1 = x + 2. The fourth number would be one more than the third number: (x + 2) + 1 = x + 3. Finally, the fifth number would be one more than the fourth number: (x + 3) + 1 = x + 4.

The range of the set is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers. We know that the largest number (x + 4) minus the smallest number (x) is equal to 20. So, (x + 4) - x = 20.

Simplifying this equation gives:
4 = 20

This is not possible. Therefore, there must be a mistake in the problem or its statement.