The fabric for a plain classic fitted waistband is cut

according to the pattern measurements provided. The fabric is usually cut on the straight grain, which means that the waistband will have vertical lines running parallel to the selvage (or finished edge) of the fabric. The width of the waistband will depend on the desired finished size and the pattern instructions.

To cut the fabric for the waistband, the following steps are typically followed:

1. Lay the fabric on a flat surface, ensuring that it is free from any wrinkles or folds.
2. Fold the fabric selvage to selvage, creating a double layer of fabric with the selvages aligned.
3. Place the pattern piece for the waistband on top of the fabric. Make sure to align any grainlines or markings on the pattern with the straight grain of the fabric.
4. Pin the pattern piece in place, securing both layers of fabric together.
5. Use fabric scissors to carefully cut along the outline of the waistband pattern piece. Take care to cut through both layers of fabric simultaneously.
6. Remove the pattern piece and pins from the fabric, and separate the two fabric layers.
7. The resulting fabric pieces will be identical and suitable for constructing the classic fitted waistband.

These fabric pieces can then be used as instructed in the sewing pattern to complete the waistband and attach it to the garment.