Rinaldo exchanged €7 for $11 at this rate. How many dollars can ronaldo get with forty nine euros

To find out how many dollars Ronaldo can get with forty-nine euros, we first need to determine the exchange rate using the information given.

Ronaldo exchanged €7 for $11.

We can set up a proportion to solve for the exchange rate:

€7 / $11 = €49 / x

To solve for x, we cross multiply:

7x = 11 * 49

7x = 539

Divide both sides of the equation by 7:

x = 539 / 7

x ≈ 77

So, the exchange rate is approximately 1 euro = $77.

Now we can determine how many dollars Ronaldo can get with forty-nine euros by multiplying the amount of euros by the exchange rate:

49 euros * $77/ 1 euro ≈ $3,773

Therefore, Ronaldo can get approximately $3,773 with forty-nine euros.