Which artist painted the Sistine Chapel as seen in the picture?

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Which one contributed to the start of the Renaissance?
increased study of religion
the growing wealth of manors outside the cities
growing wealth in cities
What book can be studied as an example of the Humanism movement?
Odyssey by Homer
Which element reflects the architecture of the Renaissance period?
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It has arches and columns.
It is tall and narrow.
It has front-facing windows
How did printing in the vernacular affect daily life during the Renaissance?
Books were available in fewer places
More people learned in Latin
Literacy increased among ordinary people
Who wrote The Prince?
niccolo machiavelli
Choose the 3 criticisms of the Catholic Church written by Martin Luther
wealth collected by Church officials
Only priests can perform baptisms
only priests can perform communion
sale of indulgences by the church
only priests perform the sacrament of marriage
What type of technique was used to paint this picture?
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use of colorful paint colors
use of linear perspective
use of negative space
What was the name of Martin Luther's written criticisms of the Catholic church?
Luther's Concerns
Which effect replaces the question mark in the table?
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Literacy increases among ordinary people.
The Church encourages new learnings.
Use of Latin in literature increases.
Which one was a critical step in Bacon and Descartes' in reaching a sound scientific conclusion?
using reason and observation to solve a problem
making assumptions about a problem
identifying a problem
Which two represent Catholicism?
Bible and tradition are sources of truth.
The Bible alone is the source of truth.
People read and interept the Bible.
Priests interpret the Bible.
How did Spain spread Catholicism in the Americas and the Pacific?
Catholic missionaries were sent into the outside of indigenous colonies.
Why did Renaissance humanists think people should study classical works?
People could improve their earthly lives.
Reading classical works would deepen one's religion
Whty was Florence the artistic center of the Renaissance?
Large supply of gold there
Wealthy bankers that supported the arts were there
Pope kept his money there
The text below is an example of what type of Renaissance literature?
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Epic Poem
Which two represent Lutheranism and Calvinism?
Priests interpret the Bible.
Bible and tradition are sources of truth.
Bible alone is the source of truth.
People read and interpret the Bible for themselves.
Muslim and Jewish scholars translated writings from which group of people after the fall of the Roman Empire?
Abbasid Rulers.
How did the Peace of Augsburg, Edict of Nantes, and Peace of Westphalia all strengthen secular rulers? (2 correct answers)
Gave more power to the Pope.
Ensured people could practice their own religion privately
Reduced the power of the Pope.
Choose the 4 ways that Spain tried to defend Catholicism.
Spanish Inquisition.
Sent the Crusaders to Asia.
Tried to force the Netherlands to accept Catholicism.
Philip joined the Thirty Years' War.
Philip traveled to the Americas.
Philip went to war with England over the Netherlands
Which 2 groups of people produced ideas in the field of Mathematics?

Ancient Greeks and Muslims