Ine needs to find the surface area of a coreal box for an art project. The box is a rectangular prism with a height of 12 inches, and a width of 2 inches. What is its surface area? (1 point)

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The surface area of a rectangular prism can be found by adding up the areas of all the faces.

Since the box is a rectangular prism, it will have 6 faces.

The two opposite faces will have the same dimensions and area, which are 12 inches (height) times 2 inches (width), giving us 24 square inches for each face.

The other two opposite faces will also have the same dimensions and area, which are 12 inches (height) times 2 inches (width), giving us another 24 square inches for each face.

The remaining two faces will have the same dimensions and area, which are 2 inches (width) times 2 inches (width), giving us 4 square inches for each face.

Adding up all the areas, we get:
24 + 24 + 4 + 4 + 24 + 24 = 104 square inches

Therefore, the surface area of the coral box is 104 square inches.