In 2021, there were 200 jets on the USS liberty. In 2022, there was a 10%

increase in the number of jets. In 2023, there was a 20% in the number of jets.
What is the total number of jets in 2023? What is the percentage increase in the
number of jets compared to the original? (solve) Write in a complete sentence.

In 2022, the number of jets on the USS Liberty increased by 10%, which is equivalent to an increase of 200 x 10/100 = <<200*10/100=20>>20 jets.

The total number of jets in 2022 was therefore 200 + 20 = <<200+20=220>>220 jets.
In 2023, the number of jets on the USS Liberty increased by 20%, which is equivalent to an increase of 220 x 20/100 = <<220*20/100=44>>44 jets.
The total number of jets in 2023 was therefore 220 + 44 = <<220+44=264>>264 jets.
The percentage increase in the number of jets compared to the original (200) is (264 - 200) / 200 x 100% = 64/200 x 100% = <<(264-200)/200*100=32>>32%. Therefore, the percentage increase in the number of jets compared to the original is 32%. Answer: The total number of jets in 2023 is 264 and the percentage increase in the number of jets compared to the original is 32%.