Writers use a few different ways to cite sources. One way is a direct quote. A direct quote is __________. A direct quote must include _______. An example of what a direct quote looks like is __________.

A direct quote is a word-for-word replication of a passage or statement from a source. A direct quote must include the exact wording of the original source, including any punctuation, capitalization, and formatting. An example of what a direct quote looks like is:

According to John Doe, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

whats a direct quote

A direct quote, in the context of writing and citing sources, is a specific excerpt or passage from a text that is copied word-for-word and included in the writer's own work. It is enclosed within quotation marks to clearly indicate that it is borrowed from another source. Direct quotes are used to provide evidence, support arguments, or showcase an author's specific wording or style.