1. 1. What was the significance of the Boston Massacre?

2. What action did the First Continental Congress take to show its disapproval of English policies?

3. What was the source for many of the basic ideas in the Declaration of Independence?

1. The Boston Massacre was a defining moment in American history as it was a catalyst for the American Revolution. The event, in which British soldiers killed five colonists, generated widespread outrage and fueled anti-British sentiments. It also led to increased colonial resistance against British authority and contributed to the formation of the Sons of Liberty.

2. The First Continental Congress, held in 1774, took several actions to show its disapproval of English policies. These included drafting a Declaration of Rights and Grievances, which outlined the colonists' concerns and demanded a restoration of their rights. They also organized boycotts of British goods and formed the Continental Association to coordinate colonial resistance.

3. The source for many of the basic ideas in the Declaration of Independence was the Enlightenment philosophy. Influential thinkers such as John Locke, Thomas Paine, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau emphasized concepts of natural rights, social contract, and the right to rebel against unjust government. These ideas heavily influenced Thomas Jefferson and the other drafters of the Declaration of Independence.