How old am I if 600 is reduced by 3 times my age is 542

Let's assume your age is "x."

According to the given information, 600 reduced by 3 times your age (3x) is equal to 542. Therefore, we can write the equation:

600 - 3x = 542

To solve this equation, subtract 542 from both sides:

600 - 3x - 542 = 542 - 542
58 - 3x = 0

Now, subtract 58 from both sides:

58 - 58 - 3x = 0 - 58
-3x = -58

To isolate "x", divide both sides by -3:

(-3x)/(-3) = (-58)/(-3)
x = 58/3 ≈ 19.333

So, you are approximately 19.333 years old.