The speaker of the poem seems to make the best of an unpleasant situation. How do you think she does this? What specific steps does she take to improve her situation—and what else can she do to make it better? In 250 words or more, analyze the speaker’s approach to facing challenges. Cite textual evidence to support your answer.

In the poem "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou, the speaker indeed seems to make the best out of an unpleasant situation. She does this by embracing her own self-worth and embracing her individuality in the face of society's expectations of beauty. The speaker takes specific steps to improve her situation by being confident, unapologetic, and embracing her physical attributes. However, she can improve her situation further by accepting and celebrating the beauty in others and promoting inclusivity.

One way the speaker makes the best out of her situation is by exuding confidence and self-assurance. She states, "I say, / It's the fire in my eyes, / And the flash of my teeth, / The swing in my waist, / And the joy in my feet" (lines 18-22). This shows that she recognizes her own worth and refuses to let society's standards define her beauty. By standing tall and being confident in herself, she overcomes the unpleasant situation of feeling inadequate.

Moreover, the speaker embraces her own individuality and doesn't apologize for it. She states, "I'm a woman / Phenomenally. / Phenomenal woman, / That's me" (lines 25-28). This shows that she takes ownership of her uniqueness and celebrates it. By unapologetically being herself, she transforms an unpleasant situation into one of empowerment.

However, to make her situation even better, the speaker could incorporate a more inclusive approach. While she uplifts herself, she also has the opportunity to uplift others. By appreciating the beauty in others and celebrating diversity, she can create a more inclusive environment. This will not only improve her own situation but also positively impact others struggling with societal expectations.

To conclude, the speaker in "Phenomenal Woman" makes the best out of her situation by embracing her own self-worth and being confident in herself. She takes specific steps to improve her situation by celebrating her individuality and refusing to conform to societal beauty standards. However, she can further enhance her approach by promoting inclusivity and celebrating the beauty in others. By doing so, she can create a more positive and empowering environment for herself and those around her.

shorten this answer

and in another paragraph answer this:
According to the first stanza, what is the speaker’s “job”?

In "Phenomenal Woman," the speaker makes the best of her situation by embracing her self-worth and individuality. She exudes confidence and self-assurance, refusing to let society's standards define her beauty. By celebrating herself unapologetically, she transforms an unpleasant situation into one of empowerment. However, to further improve her situation, the speaker can promote inclusivity by appreciating the beauty in others and celebrating diversity. This will create a more positive and empowering environment for herself and those around her.

In the first stanza, the speaker's "job" is to acknowledge her own phenomenal nature and embrace the power and confidence that comes with it. The speaker states that she walks into a room, "just as cool as you please" (line 2), implying that her job is to exude a sense of calmness and self-assuredness. She also mentions that when she walks, she causes heads to turn and everyone to stand or rise. This suggests that her "job" is to command attention and admiration simply by being herself. Overall, the speaker's "job" is to embrace and showcase her own phenomenal qualities, illustrating her power and strength of character.