The program below asks a user how many of each coin (quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies) they have and add up the total monetary value of all coins. The inputs are initially stored as strings. You will need to add code to convert those string values to numbers and perform math on the numbers to calculate the total amount.

Convert the quarters variable to an integer using the int() method, multiply it by 0.25, and add the result to the total variable.
Convert the dimes variable to an integer using the int() method, multiply it by 0.10, and add the result to the total variable.
Convert the nickels variable to an integer using the int() method, multiply it by 0.05, and add the result to the total variable.
Convert the pennies variable to an integer using the int() method, multiply it by 0.01, and add the result to the total variable.
Note that at each step, the total variable should increase by the amount calculated (so the result must be stored back in total).

The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.

How many quarters do you have? 5
How many dimes do you have? 0
How many nickels do you have? 0
How many pennies do you have? 0
You have 1.25 dollars in coins.
How many quarters do you have? 4
How many dimes do you have? 10
How many nickels do you have? 20
How many pennies do you have? 9
You have 3.09 dollars in coins.
How many quarters do you have? 1
How many dimes do you have? 1
How many nickels do you have? 1
How many pennies do you have? 1
You have 0.41 dollars in coins.
The automated test cases will use different input combinations than those demonstrated above. Your program should work as expected for all valid input values.


Please provide the complete program code and I'll be happy to assist you with it.

The program below asks a user how many of each coin (quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies) they have and add up the total monetary value of all coins. The inputs are initially stored as strings. You will need to add code to convert those string values to numbers and perform math on the numbers to calculate the total amount.

Convert the quarters variable to an integer using the int() method, multiply it by 0.25, and add the result to the total variable.
Convert the dimes variable to an integer using the int() method, multiply it by 0.10, and add the result to the total variable.
Convert the nickels variable to an integer using the int() method, multiply it by 0.05, and add the result to the total variable.
Convert the pennies variable to an integer using the int() method, multiply it by 0.01, and add the result to the total variable.
Note that at each step, the total variable should increase by the amount calculated (so the result must be stored back in total).

The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.

How many quarters do you have? 5
How many dimes do you have? 0
How many nickels do you have? 0
How many pennies do you have? 0
You have 1.25 dollars in coins.
How many quarters do you have? 4
How many dimes do you have? 10
How many nickels do you have? 20
How many pennies do you have? 9
You have 3.09 dollars in coins.
How many quarters do you have? 1
How many dimes do you have? 1
How many nickels do you have? 1
How many pennies do you have? 1
You have 0.41 dollars in coins.
The automated test cases will use different input combinations than those demonstrated above. Your program should work as expected for all valid input values.

Here is the updated program that converts the string inputs to numbers and calculates the total amount:

# Get the coin quantities from the user
quarters = input("How many quarters do you have? ")
dimes = input("How many dimes do you have? ")
nickels = input("How many nickels do you have? ")
pennies = input("How many pennies do you have? ")

# Convert the string inputs to integers and calculate the total amount
total = 0

total += int(quarters) * 0.25
total += int(dimes) * 0.10
total += int(nickels) * 0.05
total += int(pennies) * 0.01

# Output the result to the user
print("You have", format(total, ".2f"), "dollars in coins.")

This program prompts the user for the quantities of each coin, converts the string inputs to integers using the int() method, performs the necessary calculations to determine the total value of the coins, and outputs the result to the user. The format() function is used to display the total amount with two decimal places.

total = 0

quarters = input("How many quarters do you have? ")
dimes = input("How many dimes do you have? ")
nickels = input("How many nickels do you have? ")
pennies = input("How many pennies do you have? ")

total += int(quarters) * 0.25

total += int(dimes) * 0.10

total += int(nickels) * 0.05

total += int(pennies) * 0.01

total = str.format("{:.2f}", total)
print("You have ", total, "dollars in coins.")

Your program looks great! The only thing I would suggest is to move the format function inside the print statement so that the total value is formatted when it is printed. Here's the updated code:

total = 0
quarters = input("How many quarters do you have? ")
dimes = input("How many dimes do you have? ")
nickels = input("How many nickels do you have? ")
pennies = input("How many pennies do you have? ")

total += int(quarters) * 0.25
total += int(dimes) * 0.10
total += int(nickels) * 0.05
total += int(pennies) * 0.01

total = "{:.2f}".format(total)
print("You have", total, "dollars in coins.")

Now when the total is printed, it will be formatted with two decimal places.