if j'ai is i have then what is j'ai choisi, why is it like that. explain like for a 5 years old

"J'ai choisi" means "I have chosen" in English. The word "j'ai" is made by combining "j'" which is a shortened form of "je" meaning "I," and "ai" which is a conjugation of the verb "avoir" meaning "have." So, when we say "j'ai choisi," it means "I have chosen."

Sometimes, we use different words together to make a new meaning. Just like when we say "I have," it is a different meaning than when we say only "I." The word "choisi" is the past participle form of the verb "choisir," which means "to choose." When we combine "j'ai" with "choisi," it tells that someone has made a choice in the past.

So, to summarize, "j'ai choisi" is made from the words "j'ai" meaning "I have" and "choisi" meaning "chosen." It tells that someone has made a choice.