Which aspects of installing a Windows OS seem difficult?

Some aspects of installing a Windows operating system (OS) that may seem difficult for some users include:

1. Creating installation media: Users need to create a bootable USB drive or DVD containing the Windows OS installation files. This might involve downloading and using third-party tools, which can be confusing for novice users.

2. Configuring the BIOS/UEFI settings: Users may need to enter the computer's BIOS or UEFI firmware settings to change the boot priority and ensure the system boots from the installation media. These settings can vary among different computer models, and accessing them may require pressing specific keys during startup, which can be challenging for some users.

3. Partitioning and formatting drives: During the installation process, users may need to partition and format the hard drives on their computer. Understanding partitioning concepts like primary, extended, and logical partitions, as well as file system formats like NTFS, FAT32, etc., can be daunting for some users.

4. Device driver installation: After the OS installation, users need to install the necessary drivers for their hardware devices. Finding the correct drivers online, especially for older or less common hardware, can be challenging. Moreover, sometimes drivers need to be installed in a specific order, adding complexity to the process.

5. Handling compatibility issues: There may be compatibility issues with certain hardware components or software applications when installing a new version of Windows. These issues may require troubleshooting, researching online, or even making hardware or software compatibility adjustments to ensure a smooth installation.

6. Post-installation setup: Setting up the OS after installation involves personalizing various settings, such as user accounts, network configurations, security settings, etc. Understanding and configuring these settings to suit one's preferences can be overwhelming for inexperienced users.

It's important to note that while these aspects can be challenging initially, Microsoft has made significant improvements with each new version of Windows to simplify the installation process and make it more user-friendly for a majority of users. Additionally, there are often resources available online, including step-by-step guides and video tutorials, to assist users through the installation process.