Holy war and self control over human appetites are both forms of in the Muslim faith

In the Muslim faith, both holy war and self-control over human appetites are forms of Jihad.

1. Holy War (Jihad): Jihad refers to the struggle or striving in the way of Allah. It can be both an internal struggle to purify oneself from negative influences and an external struggle to defend and uphold justice. While the term "holy war" is often used in a wider context, in Islam it specifically denotes a just and defensive warfare conducted in accordance with Islamic principles.

2. Self-control over human appetites: In Islam, self-control over human appetites is considered essential. Muslims are encouraged to practice self-discipline in order to resist indulging in desires that may lead to sinful behavior. This includes restraining oneself from engaging in certain prohibited actions such as lying, stealing, committing adultery, consuming alcohol, or engaging in excessive consumption. Self-control is seen as a means to attain purity, spirituality, and righteousness in the sight of Allah.