When customers use a calling card, a phone company charges $0.75 per minute. The table below shows the cost of calls lasting 2, 5, 7, and 8 minutes.

Which of the following graphs best represents this data?

As the data given is for specific minutes, we need to compare the minutes with their corresponding costs. The table shows that for 2 minutes, the cost is $1.50. For 5 minutes, the cost is $3.75. For 7 minutes, the cost is $5.25. And for 8 minutes, the cost is $6.00.

In the graph, the x-axis represents the minutes and the y-axis represents the cost. We can plot the points (2,1.50), (5,3.75), (7,5.25), and (8,6.00) on the graph.

The best graph that represents this data would be a straight line passing through these points.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option C, which is a straight line that gradually increases from left to right, representing the increasing cost as the minutes increase.